''Show Must Go ON''
Last night more than any other time I wish I was recording the Huge event of Capturing Bin Laden...or should I say the heroic act of the US Military and CIA work of ''Killing'' the most wanted man on earth. I Was watching the Celebrity Apprentice on NBC channel and all of the sudden this news reel showed up at the bottom announcing that Barrack Obama will address the nation soon in unusual and unprecedented speech. I was amazed it is nearly middle of the night in Washington DC; what on earth is this guy going to blow our mind with at this time?
Within 5 - 10 minutes I was flicking among the US main stream media CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX or MOxnews, CNBC, and CNN etc.. all of the sudden this forensic reports on Bin Laden Death. News started flying from all around with none accurate details on where, when and who did that. It seemed pretty much a News but not that of a great important News to me, as I don't believe that this little low life collaborator ''Bin Laden'' worth anything any more as he has done his job already of damaging Islam and open the door for the vultures to hunt over middle east resources.
It seemed that CIA and other agencies knew that the impact of this News won't be as huge as they have wanted it, therefore they were prepared to put an spectacular show and again manipulate the public feelings and brains and make them believe this is a great success and a huge achievement especially from Obama administration who is failing day by day to fulfil any of its promises or reforms internally and international. Cameras roles, correspondents are scattered across the globe to report the ....well let's say ...unreported. There were no materials or evidence or anything to talk about rather than repeating that Bin Laden is Dead, of course with a huge Oscar winning performance from most of the top Stations anchors who are happened to be all on their shifts that night.
To add spice to the soup, CNN's Wolf Blitzer started linking the death of the Face of Evil with the revolution spring in the Middle East and how the new generations in the Arab World will benefit from that, which it doesn't make any sense what so ever. The funny thing is, an hour after that every news channel around the world is repeating the same sentence again and again and again as if the plan is to rub somehow against the new Era of change that is happening in the Middle East and involve the region into this stupid 'Shakespearean' play.
Now back to the Stage Show directed by US Media; as all of the sudden after Barrack Obama calculated speech within seconds while the White Correspondents are reporting and commenting outside the garden; this ocean of people start swooping the perimeter of the White house chanting and cheering USA, USA , USA.
Suddenly NBC reporters was talking to the anchorman in the studio and without noticing that he slipped and said ''This is exactly what is planned for ages during Bush administration, .... As the republican had everything planned and organised for the that sort of reaction when this news comes out..... Well it is happening now and this was planned years ago!!!'' the cameras are flying over the fences and showing these waves of cheerers who gathered ''spontaneously'' to express their joy and solidarity to the US Army and the administration. This is the moment I was recording so I will not be paranoid to be called conspiracy theorist because it is a conspiracy and well plotted. The funny thing is all the crowd were absolutely young kids between 18 and 25 and happened that most of them running with the American ''Brand new'' flag wrapped around them; thanks to HD TV shows you every details better than the naked eyes; as you can see how new and fresh the signs and flags are. To prove the reporter's plot that banners where saying Bush & Cheney as the naive kids forgot that the plot planned during Bush administration but happened under Obama. Not a problem a slight mistake form the organisers just like when they have plotted brand new Quran versions and flight manuals among the WTC rubbles.
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