Arabeta Channel


Saturday 3 January 2009

Egypt isn't South Beirut

Again the Leader of Hezbollah wants to continue his absurd accusation and plans to drag our nations into conflict with each other. I have talked to you before about Hamas, Hezbollah, and Muslim Brotherhood who Literally driving our conflict with Israel into different direction and what only approved with their Political Interests and the sake of Iran who is funding all these groups. Gaza massacres should stop now and immediately, but that is not going to happened. Israel has no right to kill and bombard the innocent civilians, and she knows very well they will never finish Hamas that way as they have failed before with Hezbollah.

Just now watching the international News TV around the world, i am listening to aid workers and other journalists calling their Stations fear for their and Gaza people lives. Israeli Ground Forces now entering Gaza in the middle of the night, but all the Hamas Leaders just vanished and hide and left the entire population are left in dark without any help or directions what to do or where to go. Another example for this crazy events that taking place in Gaza.

Every time i watch those children dead and injured bodies footage on TV, and hear these Israel and Western Leaders’ obtuse comments, the blood just boiled and i wish if i can jump of the Tele and spit on those clowns. I am Angry and i am sure there millions around the world are more angry, but we need to stop this big stupid game that all these evil powers are playing.
Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Britain, US, and all the Arab Leaders are just similar and have one thing in common. They all war criminals and involve us and our innocent brothers and sisters into a very deep and dirty world game.

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