The rise of 'Anarchy' movement is spreading, but what is the purpose of all this?
Why there is 'Chaos' everywhere even in the most democratic world?
The NWO plan is to spread anarchy around the world, to the extend of the Third World War predictably between The Middle Easters Nations and Israel/America and NATO. It is immanent; we can't deny it any more and we can't hide from it. It is coming and sooner than we expect.
For the Elites to impose order and build the New World Order they needed an apocalyptic cataclysmic war to wipe the Human race and rebuild the world with who is left.
The First and Second World Wars were just stages and part of the plan. It was part of moving the power among different empires and create the evil and good sides who will always fight and frighten the mass with. Create the Soviet Union, the Rise of Hitler and Asian Dragons.
Hitler has done his part and retired, and so forth the other Tyrants. Selling the dream to the Europeans of the unity, supremacy and prosperity was the pre final phase. Selling the Arab Spring and the coloured revolutions to the under developed countries from Latvia to Tunisia; from Morocco to Bahrain, it is just another way of abolishing the leader and create the ultimate chaos. The rising of the Muslim Brotherhood all over and create the fundamentalists on both sides is the final stage.
Israel and a lot of European countries have seen the rise of the right wing extremist parties to the power and so forth the Middle East including Iran. It is the superb ingredients in this crucial period.
as Albert Pike mentioned in his Demonic Visions Book '' The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
The Zionists and other Secret Societies (Illuminati, The Knight Templars, Freemasons, Bilderberg Group etc.) who are controlling the World, will work intensely and tirelessly in the next few months to pave the path and mould the circumstances for this apocalyptic war. The NWO prophetess believe in order to reach to the One Government, One Leader, One Army and One World; 'Sacrifice' has to be made...... on massive scale.
In the past the Elites sacrificed millions of innocent lives. Created Pearl Harbour, although it could have been avoided, but it was necessary for Franklin Roosevelt, who was a Freemason active member, to deceive the Americans with the entering the WWII.
Robert S. McNamara admitted in 2005 that the Gulf of Tonkin was all fake and false accusations to convenience the Americans again to accept the reality of sending their sons and daughters to one of the most atrocious, savage evil war since the Second World War.
Israel will attack the USS-Enterprises Aircrafts-Carier in the by the strait if Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. The World Mainstream media will immediately point the fingers towards Iran, thus the US President will have no other choice but to start a war against Iran. Israel will lunch its ballistics rockets onto Tehran as Iran has already start shelling Tel Aviv. The Entire region will erupt as now half of the middle east are Muslim Brotherhood affiliates who lately announced their support and loyalty to Iran.
Let’s go back to King Farouk era. The Muslim Brotherhood was one of the
first people to support Him and wanted his blessing, and blew his trumpet. They
have never even mentioned any of his playboy times or gambling fun times. By
refusing the Saudi Wahhabis interfering in their business prompt them to get the
King of Egypt on their side, and make him the new Muslim Khalifa, thus they can
thought also they can control the King and rule though him.....It Didn't work
and King Farouk refused the Idea. Next morning the rumours started on King
Farouk, and don't get me wrong he was bit of Playboy be he was a patriotic man
and he loved the country and he was building the Country and just like any rein
there was corruption, but the Muslim Brotherhood took upon themselves to
tarnish and destroy the King. Not only this, they have tried to kill him many
times. Those who are talking about democracy killed half of Egypt's Prime
Ministers and member of Cabinet at that time, Writers, artists, normal people, anyone
who disagrees with them or refuses to turn Egypt into Backward country. We are
talking this was during the time were most of Egyptian Women wearing Yashmak
that we actually got from Turkey and most of women going out wearing Veil and
only some Aristocratic families were more westernise again just like any other
time. Coming to Nassir Time: Nassir joined them for some time and he knew how
dangerous and vicious they could be. Immediately when he got the power after
Naguib, he decided to contain them and basically to crush them big time. Who
did they turn to immediately at the time Nasir was not big fan of Royalty and
royal families especially that's one of the July's revolution aspect to parish
Royalty and more of pro socialism or more say communism. Royals in the Gulf
region were not fan of this idea at all. King Faisal and Wahhabi in Saudi had
their reasons to Support the Brotherhood. MI6 jumped into scene from the
beginning they have supported and helped to finance and found the Group from
the beginning as they were a tool in the Face of King Farouk as he was not big
Fan of the British interference in Egypt's Politics especially in the 40's. MI6
helped to transfer loads of their group to work and teach and preach and study
in Saudi and other region countries. Some actually went to train and live in
Argentina, Cambodia, and Latin America. They tried to kill Nassir many times. Having
said that there are a lot of the brotherhood youth are genuinely great people
and fight for this country like the Feda2yeen during the war in 1956 but this
is nothing coz at the end the Obedience Law in the Group mean whatever the
leaders say thousands or millions have to obey and do without a question.
Now to Saddat Time: Anwar Saddat was a very wise and ahead
of his time. He didn't like Communism and Socialism and thought by open the
country and allow every one has the freedom to form his/her opnion and their
own group or party will help the country to become more democratic and
free and developed. He shut all the military and Politics Prisons, and released
all the Political Prisoners during Nasir era. The most importantly he released
all the Muslim Brotherhood and not only this....He sat with their leaders,
talked to them and had a deal with them to let them preach every where and free
to trade and have business. Not only this.....He paid them salaries and bounces
for all the years they have spent in Prison with today's value....God have they
become sooooooooooooo Rich and Richer. They start having Factories, Business,
Schools, Hospitals, Clinics, Investments and the first Islamic Bank in Egypt.
Faisal Islamic Bank which was used most of the time to laundry their dirty
bloody money. Saddat helped them to build their group again, thinking they
willl never turn against him after what he has done for them. They actually
turn against him even before he signed Camp David Agreement before anyone jump
into the stupid wagon and said oh Saddar betrayed the country by signing this