Arabeta Channel


Saturday 29 November 2008

Political Not Religious

I have no shadow of the doubt that the war strategy and aims never been religious or spreading a book beliefs. It always has been and it will be Political and The Ego’s motivation. I do believe that the Jews have the entire human right of living, just like any other Human race.

When i was young i used to look at the Middle East conflict from one angle, which is the angle that our Arabic Media creates, just like the western audience receive their stream from their corporate billion dollars media machine.

Watching innocent people dying and get killed with cold blooded anywhere and everywhere, it just kills me inside. My feelings before were different, actually watching Israelis dying and getting hurt in their shopping malls, streets, and Buses was a relief for me. I know that sounds alright to the majority of Arabic audience who are watching their children and women killed every day on their screens. This is just wrong; I mean from both sides, nobody needs to die. Nobody needs to get killed just because he has different believes or different skin colour.

All these type of governments/system around the world, in spite of their differences and conflicts of interest, they have one thing in common which is stay in power and gain control. When you watch closely you will find out they all using religion to manipulate the public. Creating this abhorrence between us in the name of God, and that we fall for it is just absurd.

Hezbollah, Shiites, Muslim Brotherhood, Free Christians, Zionists, Hamas, Jihad, IRA, KKK, Al Qaeda, Eta, Sons of Freedom, and many more, all are manipulating and hiding behind God’s name. They are nothing but stupid Muppets in very As Engineer Mahmoud Anwar in his last comment said ‘Bombs are not intelligent to ‘’choose’’ whom to Kill’.

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